today i spent the day with bob dennis and jimmy in burma camp for my first kente workshop! there was actually very little weaving done, as the preperation of the loom takes such a long time...measuring out threads, dying them, winding them onto bobbins, threading and tying on the warp...anyway it was fun to see how they do things without any metal parts (everything is homemade out of wood or string or some handy stick/rock/wine bottles/old CD ROMs that were lying around!) there are a group of women learning too who have come from liberia - they are in accra with an environmental art project that looks at craft and recycling - so they are also doing workshops in basket weaving and beading. sounds good - and the organization wants volunteers/interns from abroad so might be a fun thing to get involved in!
i go back tomorrow just for the morning, and then michelle, ian, trish and i are heading east to their sailboat at Ada, the delta of the river volta. will spend the weekend exploring ewe kente villages between the river and togo :) i cant wait to travel and see what ghana looks like outside accra!
Even if I know nothing about all of this, it sounds amazing and soooo interesting. :)